For all your burning questions
When is the testnet?
Duration: 7th April 0800 UTC - 21st April 0800 UTC
How do I qualify for testnet?
Eligible Testers: Whitelisted wallets (Wallets that hold planets during snapshot)
Snapshot date: 4th April (Block: 7709039)
Where is the testnet?
Atlantis Testnet will be held on Cronos Testnet on the following link: http://atlantis.argofinance.money/
How do I setup Cronos Testnet on my wallet?
You can refer to the following guide on how to set up Cronos Testnet
Wallet Setup GuideHow do I get all the required items to start the testnet?
You can visit the faucet to claim all required items. Read the following link to find out more
Testnet Token FaucetI've claimed the faucet but can't see the items and tokens, help!
Check that the faucet transaction has gone through successfully
Refresh the page and check again. Sometimes it may take a while to show up, especially during congested periods
What do I have to do during the Testnet?
We recommend that you read the following page to understand all the requirements and rewards associated with Atlantis testnet
Atlantis Testing GuideWill I receive anything for participating in the Testnet?
Yes, you will. Users who complete the basic task list or go one step further will receive the rewards outlined here
The team reserves the right to withhold or change any rewards
Do I get to keep the items?
Yes, however, these are only testnet items and have no value in the actual game or on Cronos Mainnet
Why am I not receiving spaceship rewards?
Spaceship racing rewards will only be live 8th August 0900 UTC. You're free to stake your spaceships before that to start gaining rewards the moment they go live
I have no idea what's going on, help!
Firstly, we recommend that you find out if you have been whitelisted <here - snapshot link>
Secondly, visit the Getting Started Guide to find out how to set up your wallet for the Testnet
Lastly, visit the Atlantis Testing guide for instructions on what to do during the testnet
Last updated